MANIA - 2017

For those with bipolar disorder, manic episodes are a part of life. Extreme emotional highs and lows, physical and mental agitation and restlessness are just some of the symptoms of a manic episode. Pete Wentz, the bassist and songwriter of the band Fall Out Boy, is bipolar, and the song Young And Menace touches on what it's like to live with bipolar.

I chose Centaur, a classic and beautiful typeface, to contrast the visual representation of a manic episode on the right side of the piece. Different baselines for the typeface name represents emotional highs and lows. Lyrics that talk about how messy mental illnesses are, set in such small delicate type, further emphasizes the idea of emotional highs and lows.


826 Rocket's Rocket Repairs - 2018


BE[YOU] - 2016